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Skyrocket Your Winter Getaway: Malta Weather in December


Fly magically to the alluring island of Malta to escape the winter’s chill. As the month of December progresses and much of Europe begins to experience lower weather, Malta shows itself to be a warm and fascinating hidden gem. We welcome you to read this article to learn why Malta is the ideal location for your winter vacation. Discover its fascinating past, breathtaking scenery, and vibrant culture while enjoying the nice Malta weather in December. Join us as we reveal the mysteries of this idyllic Mediterranean location, where every day promises to be filled with excitement, relaxation, and the delight of seeing Europe in a special and entrancing way.

Malta Weather in December

Malta, which is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, experiences extremely mild winters, especially around December. Malta maintains a comparatively mild climate when much of Europe feels the full chill of winter. Its geographic location is primarily responsible for this climatic advantage. Due to its location between Sicily and the northern coast of Africa, the island country enjoys a Mediterranean climate with mild winters.

In December, temperatures in Malta typically range from 12 to 18 degrees Celsius (54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit). This indicates that even in the middle of winter, tourists can anticipate pleasant, warm weather favorable to leisure pursuits such as outdoor exploration. Malta appeals to travellers looking for a winter getaway in Europe due to the absence of harsh weather and snow, as well as the presence of historical and cultural landmarks in the region. Malta weather in December offers an attractive escape from the harsher winter climes seen elsewhere on the continent, whether you’re interested in tourism, outdoor activities, or simply bathing in temperate temps.

Geographical Influences

Malta’s weather is significantly influenced by the Mediterranean Sea. Sea breezes contribute to maintaining pleasant temperatures, with the daytime high rarely falling below 20°C. The Sahara Desert, which is close by, can periodically affect the weather by bringing sweltering winds and dust storms to the island. The low, exposed landscape of Malta, with its highest point only 250 meters above sea level, adds to the island’s generally windy climate.


Malta weather in December hovers around 18ºC during the day but can dip to 11ºC at night. Even while it’s not particularly chilly, you should bring some warmer clothes, especially if you intend to spend the day exploring the island or the evenings outside. At 19°C, the sea is still fairly comfortable. You can anticipate an average of 108mm of rainfall split throughout 16 wet days, mostly in the form of brief showers, with humidity levels that range from roughly 60% to 90%.


One of Malta’s standout features is its abundant sunshine. You may expect about ten hours of daylight and five hours of sunshine every day, even in December. Although UV levels may be lower during this time of year, remember to use sunscreen as the sun sets every day at around 5 o’clock.

Things to Do in Malta Weather in December

1. Discover Valletta: Valletta, the capital of Malta, is a UNESCO World Heritage site full of historic structures, quaint alleyways, and top-notch museums. The mild Malta weather in December is ideal for leisurely walks and exploration.

2. Explore the Hypogeum: The Hypogeum is an ancient underground labyrinth that offers insight into Malta’s past. A fascinating archaeological site, it offers a singular window into the island’s past.

3. Attend Festive Celebrations: Malta has a variety of exciting Christmas events throughout December, including nativity plays, musical performances, and holiday markets. Take part in the local holiday festivities.

4. Check out co-working spaces: Malta is a great option for remote workers and digital nomads wishing to mix business with fun. The Malta weather in December is perfect for working against the backdrop of the island’s beauty. Consider utilizing the co-working office spaces, which are easily accessible and furnished with all the amenities need to help you stay productive while you’re there.

5. Discover Mdina: Take a tour of this historic ancient city, also referred to as the “Silent City.” In the calm December weather, its antique buildings and twisting, winding streets are especially charming.


Get ready to be fascinated by Malta’s charms in December. This alluring island, located in the center of the Mediterranean, draws visitors in with a special fusion of winter warmth and cultural diversity. The Malta weather in December truly sets it apart as a captivating winter destination. With mild temperatures, an abundance of sunshine, and a rich cultural scene, it offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure. Whether you’re exploring historic cities, diving into the island’s history, or simply basking in the pleasant weather, Malta in December promises a memorable getaway. So, pack your bags and escape to this Mediterranean gem for a winter experience like no other. Embrace the charm of Malta and make your December a month to remember.

But Malta isn’t just a destination; it’s an invitation to create lasting memories. This Mediterranean treasure guarantees an amazing December experience, whether you’re an adventurer at heart or looking for a peaceful getaway. Malta generously extends its hospitality as the rest of Europe prepares for a cold winter. So, take advantage of the chance to go out on a unique winter journey. Embrace Malta’s charm and enjoy this December.

Picture of Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson
Hey, I'm Alex Johnson, the face behind MaltaCoworking. As a communications enthusiast, I'm on a mission to unravel the coworking scene in Malta. Join me on this personal journey as I explore the coolest shared spaces, share insider tips, and dive into the unique intersection of work and life on these beautiful islands. Let's make MaltaCoworking a space where we connect and embrace the exciting evolution of work together.

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